Discover our frameworks
Since 2003, Alfamail has developed a number of standard ISO 29481 frameworks for civil engineering. These are used by a large number of projects, small and large, regular and complex. Whether you are in the start, implementation or maintenance phase of your project. We have an appropriate template ready. With Alfamail’s standard frameworks, you can then quickly set up and use you ISO 29481 software. Do you want to use a specific framework? We are happy to create a suitable ISO 29481 one for you.
Realization phase template
You can start using this template from the realization phase. It is a traditional way of collaborating where the client is in control and the contractor follows the lead.
Designing phase template
This ISO framework can be used from the designing phase. This way the collaboration is more equally divided between client and contractor.
Engineering template
An engineering template is very useful during the design and preparation phase of a project. It has the right transaction to guide the specific process.
Utility template
This utility template helps utilities to put the right transactions of a collaboration in place. Projects of utilities usually require different processes and agreements then other civil infrastructure project.