Integrate Alfamail with your Document Management System

The integration between Alfamail and your DMS can be implemented step by step. Every form of integration is based on the Alfamail API. This is a technical gateway from Alfamail to make functionalities and information accessible to other systems.

Easily integrate Alfamail with

  • SharePoint
  • AndSafety
  • 3DExperience
  • 4Projects
  • DocBase

Connect the dots
with the Alfamail API

Are you interested in connecting our ISO 29481 software to one of your systems? Send us your questions or make an appointment with our specialists.

Our API is your best friend

The Alfamail application programming interface is your best friend when it comes to connecting the dots. When you have a variety of tools and software programs it is very important to stay efficient. With Alfamail you can focus on you project and save time by not having to registrating everyting multiple times. Integrate Alfamail with your document management system and save time and costs on your daily projects.

Improve your efficiency with our API

Work in the

Work flexibly and securely in the cloud with Alfamail. We cover all your updates and make sure you can work efficient with your team. Another benefit is the environmentally friendly impact your team will make.

Save time
and cost

Every project manager wants to save time and costs during a project. This is possible with the Alfamail API integration for your DMS. You will never have to do your administration twice again.

Work any where
any time

Whether you surf to our login page via the web browser or place the Web App on your smartphone or tablet, you can always work in your projects. All you need is an internet connection.

Request a demo of Alfamail ISO 29481

Success is a collaborative effort

Need software for VISI / ISO 29481? Thomas is happy to help you